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How To Learn Angel Energy Healing

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how to learn angel energy healing

Whilst working as a spiritual healer and reiki healer many years ago, I became aware of the presence of angels in the healing room. I started to feel their energy around my body, within my mind, giving me new awarenesses and nudges of information about the healing of the client. They would give me a knowingness of where to stand next and what action to perform. I would be shown energy within the client’s body, and they would show me how it was being manipulated and moved. I would start to feel my clients’ aches and pains in my own body or experience their dizziness or inflammation within my own physiology (but thankfully to a lesser degree!).

The angel’s presence was purposeful. They started to show me how I could heal co-operatively with them. Their teachings became the structure and content of the Angel Energy Healing Courses that I now teach through my Happy In The Moment Registered Training School.

Happy In The Moment is a CMA Registered Training College for Angel Energy Healing. This means that Angel Energy Healing Courses are professionally certified and accredited and will qualify and insure students to work as a professional Angel Energy Healers. 

The course consists of two levels of learning. The Level 1 Course provides you with a profound understanding and working knowledge of angelic energies and powerful tools for healing. In this course you attune your energy to the Angelic Kingdom through Archangel Raphael and Archangel Mary and learn how to channel angelic healing energy for healing purposes. This course gives you the tools, techniques and methodolgy to lay the foundation for you to heal others in the level 2 course. The Level 1 course also supports healing of your own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, helping you to clear past traumas, fears or limiting beliefs and bring joy, peace and abundance back into your life. It is a comprehensive exploration of the angels, their healing energies and how to work with them. As well as being taught live in groups and 1:1 with myself, the Level 1 is also available to study on your own as a digital online course. 

The Level 2 Practitioners Course teaches you how to provide Angel Energy Healing for others and set up a business in doing so. This is a fully accredited, certified and professional qualification which will allow you to gain insurance to practice as a Professional Angel Energy Healer. This is a thorough training and skills course which will leave you feeling fully capable and confident in your professional practice. The level 2 course in only taught in-person with Rachel.

"I learnt about myself and my natural ability to heal myself, its opened up a whole new way of living for me. This is now a way of life for me, it brings me such strength, faith and peace of mind in my day to day living. I have the tools to heal myself and deal with any ups and downs life brings me. The content was spot on and in easy bite size pieces, I didn’t want it to ever end!"

These courses are not 'off-the-shelf' nor basic. They are fully comprehensive, providing thorough and complete coverage of angel energy healing techniques and practices. They also teach you how to integrate Angel Energy Healing techniques and methodology with your existing healing practices - such as Reiki.

 Whether you already have an established connection with your angels and already work as a healer or you have no idea how to connect with the angels and their healing qualities, this program will help you to nurture and grow that relationship into a strong and powerful one. You’ll be taken through the deepening layers and steps of clearing, cleansing, purifying, transmuting and rebalancing, drawing on the angels energy to help you remove blocks and limitations, release past emotional wounds and let go of suffering. You’ll be shown practical tools and methods along with spiritual tools and methods to help clear resistance and negative beliefs, to manifest health, peace and harmony and deep fulfillment with the life you lead. You will learn all of the foundational skills you need to enable you to heal others in the level 2. You will learn all about how angels heal us and how we can work with them to do that. Completion of this Level 1 course qualifies you for entry onto the Level 2 Angel Energy Healing Practitioners Course.

Once you have completed the Level 1 Angel Energy Healing Course you may feel guided to begin the process of channelling healing energy to others. The Level 2 course guides you through this process with ease and grace as you learn how to help others release their blocks and limitations, to let go of dis-ease and return to wholeness and harmony. By attuning to, connecting with and channelling angelic energy, you'll be able to free people of their emotional wounds, clearing and balancing their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

The Level 1 & 2 courses are fully certified and accredited, so you'll be able to practice as an Angel Energy Healing Practitioner when you complete the Level 2 course and gain insurance to practice.

The Level 1 workshop can be accessed via zoom videocall workshops wherever you are in the world and is also available as a digital online course for self study at your own pace. The level 2 courses are only delivered in-person in the UK with Rachel.

Every person has the ability to connect with, channel, and flow Angel Energy Healing. It does require the desire to learn, and a willingness to keep showing up. The great thing about Angel Energy Healing is you're never alone, and you will align with a powerful team of guides and angels to help you every step of the way. This modality of Angel Energy Healing is great for beginners and advanced Energy Healers alike. It is a great add on to an existing healing practice, or it works as a great starting point to heal yourself and to help heal others.

 " The mix of practical and theoretical, time with Rachel was invaluable. I loved the way we worked in the moment with what came up it brought the content to life, time in between to practice, reflect. I loved the meditations and learning about chakras and different angels, etheric cord exercise, I can go on..."

Further Resources & Blogs


Angel Energy Healing Level 1 Digital Online Course

angel energy healing level 1 course

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  1. Raj Sharma

    This article is incredibly insightful and makes the concept of Angel Energy Healing accessible to everyone. I appreciate the clear steps and practical tips provided for beginners. Thank you for sharing such a valuable guide!

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