Spiritual Life Coaching

Navigating life transitions, finding purpose, managing anxiety and stress, dealing with depression, exploring your spiritual journey, reaching your goals, enhancing your holistic wellbeing, mentorship for running a spiritual business or healing practice, fostering personal development, experiencing emotional challenges…..there are an abundance of reasons why spiritual life coaching is a great idea for uplevelling your life. 

As a spiritual life coach, I am here to support and empower you to embrace your authentic self, discover your true purpose, and navigate life's challenges with grace and confidence. Together, we will embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, unlocking your limitless potential, and creating a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and alignment. 

I am Rachel, a dedicated and compassionate spiritual life coach and energy healer, here to walk alongside you on this sacred pilgrimage towards your wholeness. Together, we will unlock the wisdom that lies within your heart, empowering you to embrace your highest potential and live a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

How Spiritual Life Coaching Can Help You Live Your Best Possible Life...

Spiritual life coaching is a transformative journey designed to help individuals achieve their fullest potential in every aspect of life. As a spiritual life coach, I work closely with you to assess what's working, what's not, and where you truly want to be. This holistic approach ensures that every area of your life is aligned with your highest values and aspirations, leading to a state of fulfillment and flow.

Assessing Your Life: What’s Working and What’s Not

The first step in spiritual life coaching involves a thorough assessment of your current situation. Together, we explore various aspects of your life, such as personal wellbeing, relationships, career and purpose, spiritual growth.

This comprehensive evaluation helps identify the areas that are thriving and those that need attention. It's not about judging or criticising but about gaining a clear understanding of where you stand.

Identifying Challenges and Areas of Unhappiness

Many people seek spiritual life coaching because they face specific challenges or experience unhappiness in certain areas of their lives. These could include:

  • Stress and Overwhelm: Feeling constantly stressed, depressed, anxious and overwhelmed by daily life and responsibilities.
  • Lack of Direction: Not knowing what you truly want or feeling stuck in a rut.
  • Unfulfilling Relationships: Struggling with relationships that are draining or toxic.
  • Spiritual Disconnect: Feeling disconnected from your spiritual beliefs or practices.

By identifying your pain points, we can create a targeted plan to address and overcome them, paving the way for personal growth and transformation.

Creating a Vision for Your Future

Once we have a clear picture of where you are, the next step is to envision where you want to be. This involves setting clear, achievable goals that reflect your true desires and aspirations. Whether it's finding a more fulfilling career, building healthier relationships, or deepening your spiritual practice, having a clear vision helps guide our journey together.

Working Together Towards Fulfillment and Flow

With your goals in mind, we work together to develop strategies and action plans to help you achieve them. This might include:

  • Mindfulness and Meditation Practices: Techniques to help you stay grounded and present.
  • Energy Healing: Methods to clear any energetic blockages that might be holding you back.
  • Personal Development: Psychological tools and exercises to build confidence, self worth , resilience, and self-awareness.
  • Spiritual Guidance: Insights, tools, practices and teachings to deepen your spiritual connection and practice.


Throughout this process, I provide support, encouragement, and accountability, ensuring that you stay on track and make steady progress towards your goals. I also consult with your guides and angels to make sure we are on-track from a higher perspective.

Supporting Your Spiritual Business

For those with a spiritual business, spiritual life coaching also offers mentorship and support in crafting, starting, and confidently managing your spiritual business, helping you to build a successful and meaningful business that supports your financial goals and personal fulfillment.

Embrace a Life of Fulfillment and Flow

Spiritual life coaching is more than just achieving goals; it's about creating a life that feels truly aligned with who you are. By assessing your current situation, identifying challenges, envisioning your ideal future, and taking actionable steps, you can move towards a state of fulfillment and flow. Whether you're seeking personal growth or support for your spiritual business, spiritual life coaching provides the guidance and tools you need to live your best possible life.

So, let’s embark on this journey together. Your path to a more joyful, meaningful, and spiritually aligned life starts here. Schedule your transformative session today and step into a new chapter of your spiritual journey.

With love, light, and boundless enthusiasm,

Rachel xxx

Rachel's coaching clients are saying...

I recently made contact with people from my past and having listened to their stories, began to question where I fitted into all this, and questioned who I really was, was my perceived identity who I really was! I had some 1- 1 sessions with Rachel where we explored this identity crisis and I began to unravel the fact that I had attached myself to their stories and believed I should be more like them because of that. But as the sessions went on Rachel helped me to see that although I am connected to these people, they have their path and I have mine. Who they are is what they have chosen to be and I have carved my own destiny. I am not my past, who I am are my values, unique strengths and skills and my passions right now. I learnt to separate thoughts of who I am from the truth of who I am. I can now move forward knowing that the decisions I make and subsequent connections regarding these people will be for the right reasons. I am me and they are them and I have no need to mould myself to them (nor them to me) but can build a relationship based on us being connected but different and worthy in our own ways and I can now accept that both for myself and for them. My sessions were really helpful in allowing me to tell my story, acknowledge and explore my emotions and to redefine who my authentic self is, which was likely always there but just got lost in a whirlwind of events and emotions. So thank you to Rachel and I would say anyone who questions their true identity would benefit from her wisdom.


Downham Market

Outwardly I was the life and soul of the party. I worked in media so being a social butterfly was expected. Despite opportunities that most would die for I never felt fulfilled or content and I couldn’t explain why. I began researching various religions in the hope that their teachings would give me the answers I craved, they didn’t. Then I met Rachel and it was as if the pieces of the puzzle began failing into place, I couldn’t search externally to appease myself I had to look within and start work on myself. Id spent 2 years with self help books and influential you tuber videos but my growth and progress since having 1-2-1 weekly sessions with rachel have totally changed my life. I’m no longer people pleasing and I’m lowering the mask to unveil who louise is. I have a lot of respect and gratitude for Rachel and urge anyone who is unsure to give a session a try you may find those missing pieces.



Fab session. Thank you. I'm buzzing with ideas/thoughts. I really like that I've got stuff to work on. I've come out of the conservatory 3 times and then had to go back in to scribble more in my journal. Thanks for going with my ping-ponging and I appreciate you putting some structure in there for me to think things through and tackle things in order. I really appreciate the challenge re how to take my "I'm good enough" to next level. So, thank you!



I cant thank you enough for the hugely positive impact your sessions have had on my anxiety levels. The depth of your knowledge, coupled with your ability to convey complex ideas in layman's terms, make them thoroughly enjoyable and educational in equal measure. 



Your enthusiasm, love and warmth shine through in everything that you do. I look forward to every session and cant wait to continue my path of self healing with you.



It has and is taking my meditation practice to a whole new level and has helped me create and maintain a self love practice in a much more consistent and practical way. It’s shifted my knowing I needed to take more care, give more love to myself to actually doing that everyday in a way I can sustain and enjoy. It’s been fab thank you Rachel


Downham Market

What you will receive with a coaching package ...

  • A personalised, tailor-made and bespoke transformative approach that works best for you
  • Personalised action steps to help you break through blocks and limiting beliefs, meet your goals, stay focused and transform
  • Intuitive and Angelic guidance and wisdom 
  • Spiritual and Angelic energy practices and tools for your healing and progression
  • Confidentiality, accountability, freedom to share openly and honestly, inspiration, motivation and empowerment


As your partner and coach, and in collaboration with your Higher guidance, I will support you in understanding and removing what is in the way of your best life. There is nothing that you cannot shift!

These sessions will work for you if you can commit showing up 100% for each session, and if you are willing and intentional about breaking out of your comfort zone.

Sessions are 90 minutes long and can be delivered via telephone, zoom videocall, or in person. 

90 minute sessions £70

Payment is accepted via bank transfer or paypal/credit/debit card with an additional 3% service fee.

A free 15 - 30 minute discovery call will be offered to you with Rachel to make sure you’re a good fit for one another and she’ll also be able to answer any questions on the format/structure of the sessions etc. Please note these are simply introduction calls and not coaching – Rachel will not be able to provide you with any coaching or advice in these calls. 

If you want to go from good to great, if you believe in the extraordinary instead of the 'just ok', if you want to reach your highest calling and potential so that you can expand your world, then apply to work with Rachel below.

Coaching 1:1 Application Form
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What is getting in the way of you living your best life? What's holding you back? Which areas of your life need more work? Take this free life assessment quiz and overcome whatever is in the way of you living your best life.