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Now is the right time to Specify and Specialise! New year, new title!

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Now is the right time to Specify and Specialise

As my life and therefore, my business, evolves, I am always mindful of listening to my heart and my higher guidance. My guidance has led me to a new understanding.

As my life and therefore, my business, evolves, I am always mindful of listening to my heart and my higher guidance. My guidance has led me to a new understanding.

In recent years, I’ve worked harder than ever before to raise my vibration and to increase my connection to my own angelic team and spirit guides. Its paid off – I now have a level and depth of connection that I feel confident with and joyful about. The downside to this, however, is that I’ve been forced to pull the shadows out from the depths of my being and some of the things I’ve learnt about myself have been really uncomfortable to process and to share!

My latest understanding has caused me yet another headache. I’ve been asked to take yet another step further into discomfort in order to embrace a new title in the new year of 2021. A year heralded as being lighter, more positive and full of new opportunities and adventures.

In my dreams and in my meditations, and along with other messages, I’m being given the words “In Therapy with Angels”. Now, it’s clear to me that part of this is to do with a book that I am writing. The other part refers to the way I ‘package’ (and advertise) the therapy that I provide – my Spiritual Life Coaching.

I’m being told that it is time to move away from that general title of Spiritual Life Coach and embrace more specifically a new title that reflects the therapeutic services that I offer with the angel’s support.

 Embracing the role and title of an Angelic Therapist – thereby turning ‘Spiritual Life Coaching’ into ‘Angelic Therapy, Coaching and Wellness.’

Why is this important now?

Well, to the angels, it’s not a big deal. They’ve always offered me their guidance and support, and they have no ego, so they don’t worry about how I package that guidance. They don’t care if they get the credit or not. They care about the help and support of humanity. But what does matter is what my intention is. What my truth and expression is. What matters is that I choose to fully embrace the source of the guidance I’m receiving, to bring it out into the light and feel proud of the work that I do and the connections I make. If I am to fully step onto my path in life, I have to embrace its fullness and its truth. Not hide it or cover it up with something prettier, or more socially acceptable - however uncomfortable that may be for me or other people who don’t believe in what I do.

It’s no secret that I have always found my spiritual closet to be rather comfortable. Having been subjected to harsh judgement and criticism over my beliefs for most of my life, I find it much easier to just keep my beliefs to myself. Yet, there’s always been that part of me that knows it is within my life’s purpose to teach and inspire others. What a dilemma!! I know many more of you also struggle to get out of your spiritual closets. I mean, talking about Angels to people can be a real conversation crusher! I know you struggle because I get lots of private messages from people who have burning questions about angels but who don’t want to post them publicly on my page for fear of coming across as ‘weird’ or ‘woo woo’. I get it! Its not easy! And other people’s judgements feel crap.

Yet, after much work, I’m now at a place where I don’t take that crap personally. I now bless the haters whenever they pop up and swipe left to delete their comments. We can’t please everyone all the time, so why worry about it! I’m now at a place where I am confident in my abilities, in my practices, in my beliefs. I know who I am and I know how to help others. I want you to know that you are not alone either. Never. Not even for a moment.

So, now I choose to wholeheartedly accept my new title, thank you very much, Angels. Instead of advertising myself as a general Spiritual Life Coach, and as a nod to the divine beings who whisper in my ear, who drop their wisdom into my consciousness and their loving guidance into my heart, I shall now be advertising my services more specifically as an Angel Therapist – Angelic Therapy, Coaching and Wellness.

My services are still the same – nothing new there. For those of you who have always used my Coaching services, nothing will change. As always, I’ll be meditating and connecting to your energy before each session, I’ll be calling upon your angels and guides and asking for their input into your situation. Each time, they offer me their wisdom, their support, their guidance and they show me which angelic and wellness tools, techniques and methods will help you the most. Think of the angels as your therapists - working through me.

Sometimes the angels will want to deliver wisdom and guidance to you, at other times, deep energetic healing. Each session is often different. As your therapist, and in collaboration with you and your higher wisdom, we will receive whatever it is that you need for that session.

It is important to note that I am not a medium. I have never trained as a medium and I have never actually wanted to. I’m not trained to converse with or deliver messages from family members who have passed over. My connection is with the angelic realms. My connection with the angels comes through a holistic, healing window of therapy, coaching and wellness. They give me what I need to know in order to help you live a healthier, happier and more high-vibe life. This is my specialist area.

What I have always wanted to do, and what I have always trained to do, is to help people in a therapeutic way. I have always sought to combine mind, body and spirit for full health and wellness. I have always sought to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. My intentions have always been to provide you with full, holistic health and wellbeing which addresses your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual healing. And now, along with drawing on all of my years of study in human psychology, counselling, wellness, spirituality, and energy healing, the angels also support me and give me what I need in order to fulfil that intention.

As my spiritual coaching sessions progressed, I noticed that they were providing me with the exact technique or tool that was needed for my client to heal or move forwards at that time. Just as they direct me in my energy healing work with clients, so too do they direct me in therapy and coaching sessions. Looking back now, I can see how the Angels have been preparing me for this collaboration work for most of my life!

So, what remains, is an invitation. I warmly invite you and encourage you to draw upon the guidance of the angels as your therapists. I would always urge you to draw on your own personal connections with your angelic teams, your spirit guides and teachers, and I always teach you how to do that in our sessions, but there will still always be times when you seek further healing and more support from someone else with wise guidance, and for those times when you feel that you need another point of view, or perhaps clarification on the best route forward, I am here to help, along with the angels. I personally always seek the help of my therapist friends and their unique set of guides – I always say its hard to work on my energy with just my energy! Your angels know what ails you and they know how to help. We just need to invite them in.

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