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    As humans, can we ever be free from judgement?

    It takes a very enlightened master to be completely non-judgemental in this world. I know I certainly haven't mastered it! Judgement is one of those qualities that us spiritual seekers try to avoid! It carries a shameful edge to it. Like anger or envy. I certainly feel a level of anxiety around it, mostly because it doesn’t feel like a loving or forgiving space to be in.

    Yet, in some cases, I believe that judgement is a kind messenger and should therefore be welcomed. There are 3 messages that I feel it delivers us as people on a spiritual journey. Read on to find out what these are…

  2. Do you want turbo powered breakthroughs and transformations on your spiritual journey? Course you do! We all want to heal and grow in the quickest most graceful way possible. And that can be accomplished by learning how to connect to angelic energy. It was a total game changer for me - I was able to heal all sorts of emotional and mental wounds using the help of angelic energy  - so much so, that is had become my lifes work to get people connecting to this universal energy themselves! But so many people are still unsure of how to invoke angels to help them and then their minds are full of questions about how to sense them once they've called them. Lets bring some clarity to that for you all...